John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing… 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you[b] will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit…
I have decided this is what my life looks like and my family heritage. I’m making a proactive decision to forever abide in Jesus, therefore I WILL bear much fruit, I will ask what I desire, and it shall be done for me and that will bring MUCH GLORY to my Heavenly Father (which is my deepest desire). I encourage you today to declare the same thing and see yourself bearing MUCH fruit. What does that look like? A life flowing with all the gifts of the Spirit; the lost being saved, the blind seeing, the lame walking, the captives set free and the dead coming to life. A life flowing in the prophetic, having a Word of Wisdom or a Word of Knowledge for people. All your children saved and fulfilling their God given destiny. All your bills paid and flowing in prosperity to further the Kingdom of God. Being nicotine free, alcohol free and free of any other addiction. Are you getting EXCITED! I am! So easy, everyday and all day long just abide in Jesus. See yourself connected to Him, we are His body and He is our head. I love the song and video done by Bethel, “There ain’t no grave.” IF Jesus walked out of the grave, I’m walking out to. What grave/bondage is holding you down today. Sing to the top of your lungs Jesus walked out the grave, I’m walking out to! Declare to that giant, you’re coming down, you no longer rule this life and I am victorious!!!
As I began to praise God for the “great” He has done and is doing in my life, He brought me back to “ And blessed be God Most High,Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” God has delivered my enemies into my hand, PAST TENSE. Take a moment to visualize that for a moment. What are the enemies in your life; fear, sickness, depression, anxiety, financial lack, etc?
My enemies God defeated through Jesus Christ and delivered them into my hand, or in other words, under my authority. The Old Testament is full of stories of battles and the enemy being delivered to the conquering king. They were either killed, or put to shame and displayed for all to see that the enemy had been conquered and was under their authority now. My enemies have been delivered into my hand, but what have I done with them? I was reminded of the old TV show, Hogan’s Heroes. The American Colonel Hogan with other Americans had been captured by the German army and put in prison in this popular television comedy. The bumbling Germans gave Hogan and his crew plenty of opportunities to sabotage their war efforts. The German Colonel Klink was more concerned with having everything run smoothly and avoiding any trouble with his superiors (especially anything that might result in his being reassigned and sent to the front) than with being tough on Hogan and his fellow prisoners. In one episode, Hogan convinced Colonel Klink and the Gestapo that the war is over so that they would release some prisoners.
1: to require by authority to leave a country or place 2: to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance 3: to clear away : DISPEL example-his discovery banishes anxiety Thoughts to ponder: Are you allowing the enemy to interrupt, deceive or sabotage God’s plans for your life? Prayer: Father God, God of the Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth, I thank you and praise you that you have delivered my enemies into my hand. Forgive me for allowing the enemy to still have freedom and influence in my life. I take my place of authority over the enemy and banish him from my life. I declare that the BLESSING of God in my life banishes ______________________(fill in the blank with the name of the enemy that has been attacking your life). Amen I encourage you to listen to the song: Greater by Tasha Cobbs Better days ahead, I’m living in the promise of God/ A new day is here And I have a fresh expectation [repeat 2x]. Got a new perspective Loud and clear. I’m not moved by what I see, Only what I hear and I hear greater… Wow, this word has been exploding in me today. It started as I heard the phrase, “Expect the great.” As I was meditating on that, I began to think about what I expect the great in. I expect the great blessing that was on Abraham to be on me.
It is important to see this powerful description of who is blessing Abram. The blessing can only be as great as the one giving it is. The description of God who is giving the blessing is God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth! That means He has all the possessions in heaven and earth to give and authority to do it. That is a powerful picture, and notice this description is repeated twice by Melchizedek and then repeated by Abram. Abram got it and declared who God is. That is a crucial step for us to know who God is and declare it out loud into the atmosphere, and especially to our enemy’s ears. Notice also that God describes Himself as “One who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” Stick with me! There is a revelation coming that is going get you shouting and jumping up and down. In the very next chapter we read, “After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” I tell you today God is saying the same thing to you. Put your name in this Scripture, “Do not be afraid, ______(your name). I am your shield,your exceedingly great reward.” Does that shout “greater” to you? It does me! But hold on, there is more. In Genesis 12:2 it describes more of the blessing that is on Abram. Look for the word “great” as you read this verse. “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.” Much later in Abraham’s life, his servant describes Abraham as “The Lord has blessed my master greatly, and he has become great…” Are you seeing the picture of great in Abraham’s life? Thoughts to Ponder: Are we seeing “great” in our life? Are we allowing our Heavenly Father to flow the “greater works” through us, like He did Jesus? Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father I pray our eyes of understanding are opened to the greater You want to do in our lives and through our lives. I pray John 14:12 over all who are reading this and believes in Jesus that all the works Jesus did they will do also and GREATER WORKS will be done through their lives.Open our eyes to what those “greater works” are and remove our small thinking. I lose vision over you today, vision that you see yourself operating in “the greater works”, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen This week I heard a beautiful song that I used to sing a lot. It was, “Oh what a day that will be.”
What a day that will be, When my Jesus I shall see, And I look upon His face, The One who saved me by His grace; When He takes me by the hand, And leads me through the Promised Land, What a day, glorious day that will be. I used to sing that and just picture someday in heaven how glorious it will be. This time as I heard the words, my spirit shouted not someday BUT today! Today, Jesus is with and me and showing Himself to me. Today, I can see Him face to face. Today, He leads me and guides me and shows me glorious things. One of the lies of the enemy is that everything glorious is for when we get to heaven, and somehow we just make it through this time on earth. Liar, liar, liar, pants on fire! Does that childhood song ring through your mind right now? Well, that is what the enemy looks like as you believe the truth. In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist tells us that Jesus will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. That fire we loose on the enemy’s lies and we see him fleeing with his pants on fire! 1 Corinthians 2:9-12 9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”Unconsciously, we can allow our thoughts to stop at verse 9 and think the things God has for us we can’t see, hear or even think of. BUT, we must read verse 10, “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” This is past tense, it has already been done. So why are we not seeing, hearing or understanding the things that God has prepared for us? The Bible teaches that you have not because you ask not. These revelations come from the Spirit. I want to challenge you today to pray 1 Corinthians 14:1: “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” The Holy Spirit will reveal insights to us through His spiritual gifts and this is why Paul writes for us to DESIRE them. Desire means to be zealous, pursue ardently and eagerly. Thoughts to ponder: What things have you not seen or heard or even thought of because you don’t desire spiritual gifts? Prayer and encouragement for you today. This is what the Holy Spirit told me today in my prayer time through His gift of tongues and interpretation. Make this personal and believe it is for you, right now in your life. 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts. It will be done by My Spirit. There is no mountain too big and there is no situation too difficult that My Spirit cannot overcome. There is no mountain too big that My Spirit cannot remove. There is no situation that is too hard or too complicated that My Spirit does not know the answer and that He can bring the solution. Again, the Lord says, it will not be done by might, nor by power but by My Spirit. My Spirit knows ALL things, He knows all the ins and the outs. He knows the strategies, wisdom and insights of God. My Spirit is in you and flows out of you and goes before you. ![]() Today I heard a song that has just really impacted me. I know I have heard it before, but today I heard it at whole new level. It reminds me of the times I have been talking to my children (maybe even my husband😊) and they heard me with their physical ears, but I knew they were not really hearing me. In other words, they were hearing me but not really listening to me. It’s a higher level of hearing when you do it with your heart and listen and respond to what you are hearing. I think that is why in the Bible Jesus says, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear.” They all had physical ears, but He wanted them to listen with their hearts. I was listening to the worship service at Eagle Mountain International Church ( and they sang this song. I am not defined by who I was, I am defined by Whose I am I am not defined by what I’ve done, I am defined by the blood of the Lamb (which is very costly, valuable and has much, much worth!) I am who He says I am, And I will be all He says I can be He is the Awesome I AM, And He loves me more than anything I am not defined by what man sees, He sees my heart and He lives in me I was created by His hands, I was created for this romance I cannot earn what He freely gives, I can’t undo what He’s done for me He just loves me!!!! Last night, I was listening again to a service we had attended a couple of years ago. God had told the pastor, “My people are leaving too much on the table.”God has prepared a place for me and you, a place at His banquet table. And we are leaving too much at the table. The reason why is in the words of this song. We forget who we are and look at what we have done or not done. We allow the enemy to deceive us into thinking we are not worthy enough to partake. That deception comes in the form of condemnation of bad choices we’ve made or allowing ourselves to be defined by people. I shout out loud, “NO MORE, DEVIL!” I am more determined than ever to not leave anything on the table that Jesus died and paid for with His blood. If I am worthy enough for my Heavenly Father to pay for me with the blood of Jesus, then I am worthy enough to partake of everything on the table He has prepared for me. AND SO ARE YOU! Think about how that pleases the Father’s heart. I love it when I have prepared a great meal and gifts and my children come and enjoy it. How sad it would be if they sat around my Christmas dinner table and just looked at the food and said I am not worthy enough to partake of this. I can assure you this never happens in our home. There is much joy, laughter and thankfulness as my children without hesitation take heaping servings of whatever they want at the table. Thoughts to ponder: What are you leaving at the table that your Heavenly Father has prepared for you and Jesus paid for with His blood? Could it be: peace of mind, rest, healing, provision, His strength, etc.? As the Body of Christ and His Bride, have we left a lot of the spiritual gifts on the table and unopened? Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for all you have provided for us. Forgive us for not accepting and enjoying what you have prepared for us. Precious Holy Spirit reveal to us what we are leaving at the table and why we have been timid about receiving. I ask that we not only will begin to receive, but we will be given double for our trouble. Everything the devil has tried to keep from us and lied to us about will be restored seven fold. I ask this all in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen. I grew up in Eastern Oregon where there was very hot summers. One of our highlights was when we got to go swimming in the river. What a cool relief from the hot dry weather.
In Ezekiel 47 it talks about an angel showing the Prophet Ezekiel a great river. It goes on to describe how this angel takes Ezekiel out 1,000 cubits in the water and the water came up to his ankles. Then he measured once more and the water went up to his knees. Again he measured one thousand cubits and the water came up to his waist. He measured another one thousand and it was a river that he could not cross for the water was too deep. Father God is so good to us. He does not expect us to immediately be ready for the deeper things of God but He does expose us to them so we desire more. Notice the angel did not have Ezekiel just jump in over his heard where he could not swim. It was a process. A continual deeper and deeper walk is what our Lord has for us. I’m reminded of my teen years swimming in a river. The river had a dock out in the area that was over my head and that was the FUN place to be. I would wade out in the cold water, shivering trying to get used to the water. I would be making myself go deeper, out to the dock. I knew it would be a lot fun with the others out there, jumping in and swimming around. Out on the dock all my friends would be yelling, “come on, come on, we’re having a blast out here!” Like my friends, the Lord is calling me to go deeper, deeper with Him. I see a whole lot of others in the Body of Christ out on the deck cheering me saying we are having a blast out here, come join us it is super fun!!! I’m deeper than I was a year ago and it is getting fun. Wow, to be in the living water flowing in His Spirit, getting drenched in His presence, my spirit just shouts, go deeper, go deeper! I think of Jesus’ instructions to Peter, launch out into the deep. Why, when Peter was comfortable on the shore? Jesus said, “for the catch”. What would thrill a fisherman more than anything else, a big catch and that is what Jesus had in store for Peter. Ponder these thoughts: What would thrill you? Would hearing God’s voice clearer, setting the captives free, preaching the Good News, healing the sick and flowing in the gifts of the Spirit? Jesus is speaking the same thing to you, “launch out into the deep!” Today I declare and pray over you; that the hunger God and His manifested Presence is being stirred up in you and me. It’s a hunger that throws discomfort aside and says I’m jumping in and I’m going deeper. Today I see the great cloud of witnesses (Hebrew 11) standing out on the dock calling and encouraging us to come out it is great! Hungering for more of Him leads you to desire His presence more and more.
Last night before I went to bed, I was drawn to read a few pages in a book I started reading a while ago. The book is, Transported by the Lion of Judah by Anne Elmer. I quickly became mesmerized as she shares trips she took with Jesus. She shares that one afternoon as she was talking to Jesus, suddenly, she was riding on the back of the Lion of Judah, and they were flying through the air and going different places all over the world. They would visit different churches or groups of people worshiping God. In one church when they arrived it was a picnic party atmosphere and she was not even sure if it was really a Christian church. As she looked to Jesus for reassurance He assured her it was fine and then said, “watch this.” “He then went and sat at the foot of a cross in the center of the clearing in a few seconds, the music stopped, there was an awesome silence, and everyone including the animals were kneeling around the cross in a large circle. Obviously everyone had sensed His presence.” Do we ever visualize as we worship in church (or anyplace) He is really right there? The next church was a small traditional style church. She described as Jesus walked round the church several times, their chants begun to die away and an awesome silence fell and I knew the Lord was meeting the deepest needs of the people. The Lord explained to her they were chanting “Come, Jesus, Come” so He came. In another church people were happy and talking about the presence of God being there. But Jesus told Anne they did not know He was here and didn’t know HIm at all. He said but they will know Me before long because His Spirit was attracting them to the church and before long they would recognize Him and His power among them. Anne goes on to describe as they started singing Jesus went and stood by the cross for a while and then He moved around the congregation. She could tell those who could sense His presence and it looked to her as though some were looking straight at HIm. Jesus said that they hadn’t seen HIm, but they would! This has stirred me up so much and I desire to be MORE aware of HIs presence. He loves me so much, He loves you so much, He loves the church so much and the whole world. The Holy Spirit had a set up for me this morning to confirm all this that He is saying to me. Don’t you love God “set-ups!” I am becoming more and more aware of them. I pray you will also. This morning, I pulled up a youtube worship set and the song, “Holy Spirit” by Jesus Culture came on. Listen to these words. Holy spirit you are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory God is what our hearts long for To be overcome by your presence Lord Let us become more aware of your presence Let us experience the glory of your goodness Let us become more aware of your presence Let us experience the glory of your goodness I am more convinced than ever, It is His deepest desire to reveal HImself to us and for us to be more aware of HIs presence. After all isn’t that why He endured the cross for “the joy set before HIm.” (Hebrews 12:2) We were the joy He looked forward to and a close relationship with us. It reminds me of being pregnant and knowing all the discomfort my body would go through (not to mention a bulging waistline) but doing it all for the joy of my precious child that would be born. We are His precious child that He takes joy in. You have to meditate on that for a while to let it sink in. I declare that over you and me today; I am the joy of My Father, I am the joy of Jesus my King. He loves me radically and loves to be with me. Jesus your presence I love, it’s your voice I love to hear, it’s your touch I love to feel and I believe I am being more and more aware of Your Presence. Amen Anyone out there just hungry? Hungry for more of God’s manifested presence. Hunger to see a move of God in our family and community. A hunger to see and experience more signs, wonders and miracles; the lost saved, the blind see, the lame walk, the sick healed and to raise the dead. I believe we hunger for that as sons and daughters of the Most High God because that’s the Father’s heart. We were created by a Supernatural God and in His image. Living in the Supernatural should be natural to us. As natural for a fish to be in water should it be for us to flow in the supernatural. These gifts are not just for pastors, evangelist and the spirituals “super dupers”. Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18 it is FOR ALL WHO BELIEVE; that’s you and me.!
And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” How do we do this? If you are like me, this would not describe my life, but I want it to. I want to flow with all the gifts of the Spirit Paul teaches on in 1 Corinthians 12. My beloved guide and tutor, Holy Spirit, has been teaching me and showing me. He will show you also, just ask, listen and say yes. Matthew 5:6“ Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. “ I declare that over you and me today; we are blessed. Father God I ask in Jesus Name for a mighty blessing on all those that read this and hunger for more of You. According to Your Word we shall be filled with Your Holy Spirit and righteousness. Open our eyes to this truth and ears to the Holy Spirit teaching. Amen I encourage you to stop right now and just begin to praise and thank Father God and declare, “I am blessed and filled!”. If you have your heavenly prayer language begin to sing out worship and thanksgiving. Oh how loved we are by our Father. Thought to ponder on: If you are filled with His righteousness you are empty of your sins and unrighteousness. Now, that is good news! Today, as I was praying in tongues the Holy Spirit spoke these things to me. "Is it coincidence that it’s the 13th of June and this is out of the 13th chapter of Luke?" I pray this blesses you as much as it did me.
Luke 13:18 Then He said, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? 19 It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a [f]large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.” The Holy Spirit kept revealing to me how small and seemingly ineffective the mustard seed is but when planted in your garden it grows large, larger than any other herb, like a LARGE tree and provides resting places for birds. Then I was reminded of other trees God used to represent a spiritual truth. Trees are used to represent reigning and leadership.
“The trees once went forth to anoint a king over them.And they said to the olive tree,‘Reign over us!’ 9 But the olive tree said to them,‘Should I cease giving my oil,With which they honor God and men,And go to sway over trees?’ 10 “Then the trees said to the fig tree,‘You come and reign over us!’... 12 “Then the trees said to the vine,‘You come and reign over us!’...14 “Then all the trees said to the bramble,‘You come and reign over us!’ 15 And the bramble said to the trees,‘If in truth you anoint me as king over you,Then come and take shelter in my shade;But if not, let fire come out of the bramble And devour the cedars of Lebanon!’
I believe God is saying MSM (Mustard Seed Ministry) is very small right now, but we have planted it in our garden (our land, city, community) and it will grow large and have influence like these tree examples. Notice the words “it grew”. This represents time and process. We are in the growing stage but WOW, does our future look bright! God, only You can take a small, seemingly insignificant little seed and turn it into a nation changer. ~ Cindy |
CindyI love tea & my family! Archives
April 2019
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